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World's Tallest Buildings<sup class="fnr">1</sup>

The following table lists the tallest buildings in the world by height. The Burj Khalifa, completed in January 2010, tops the list. NOTE: This list includes only buildings.2 For towers, see World's…

May 2003 Disasters

May: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which was first detected in southern China last November, continued to spread in China and Taiwan but appeared to be contained in other areas of…

Hadid, Dame Zaha

(Encyclopedia) Hadid, Dame Zaha, 1950–2016, British architect, b. Baghdad, studied American Univ., Beirut (1968–71), Architectural Association School, London (grad. 1977). A partner in Rem Koolhaas's…

January 2004

WorldBritish and Mexican Airlines Cancel Flights to U.S. (Jan. 1): Act at request of U.S., which warned of possible terrorist attacks. (Jan. 2) U.K. grounds another flight to the United…

November 2003

WorldU.S. Helicopter Downed in Iraq (Nov. 2) In the single deadliest strike since the Iraq war began, guerrillas shoot down an American helicopter, killing 16 U.S. soldiers and injuring 21…

February 2005

WorldNepalese King Fires Government (Feb. 1): King Gyanendra also declares a state of emergency. Many of the country's politicians are placed under house arrest, phone and Internet lines are…

March 2007

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World U.S. Troops Kill Several Civilians…