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Tom Peters Biography

Tom Petersmanagement consultant, authorBorn: 1942Birthplace: Baltimore, Md. Having cut his consulting teeth at McKinsey and Co. (1974–81), he then established his own firm, the Tom Peters…

Karel Soucek

Karel Soucek was a Canadian daredevil known for his 1984 tumble over Niagara Falls in a barrel, and his death seven months later while attempting a stunt in the Houston Astrodome. Originally from…

Louis Braille

Louis Braille was a French musician and educator who developed the now-famous raised-point writing system for the blind that bears his name. Braille became blind as a result of an eye injury at the…

Jack Kramer

Jack KramerBorn: Aug. 1, 1921Tennis Wimbledon singles champ 1947; U.S. champ 1946-47; promoter and Open pioneer.Alvin KraenzleinK - MLenny Krayzelburg

Brutus IV

Brutus IV29 November 1787by BrutusTo the People of the State of New-York.There can be no free government where the people are not possessed of the power of making the laws by which they are…

John Ashcroft, 2003 News

U.S. attorney general, was widely criticized for seeking sweeping new powers to track down terrorists. Civil libertarians and increasingly, the courts, have condemned the compromise on civil…

Rosie O'Donnell, 2002 News

beleaguered celebrity, ended her acrimonious relationship in September with Gruner & Jahr USA, the company that copublished Rosie. “I cannot have my name on a magazine if I cannot be…

Lawrence Summers, 2005 News

president of Harvard University, set off a storm of criticism in academia when he suggested at an economic conference in January that innate differences between men and women might explain…

Emily Dickinson

Called "The Belle of Amherst," Emily Dickinson is considered one of America's best 19th century poets Emily Dickinson lived quietly in Amherst, Massachusetts and wrote poetry for most of her adult…

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Gamal Abdel Nasser (Gamal Abd El-Nasser) led Egypt to secular independence in the 1950s and held the office of president from 1956 until his death in 1970. Nasser was an army officer who led the…