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Federalist No. 5

No 4 No 6 The Same Subject Continued (Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence) For the Independent Journal. Jay To the…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 5, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 4, 1805May 6, 1805May 5, 1805 Sunday May 5th 1805 A fine morning I walked on shore untill 8 A M when we halted for breakfast and in the…

Chauncey Judd: The Robbery

The Robbers Gunn's Barn The Robbery Captain Dayton's residence was on the eastern side of the meeting-house Green, about three fourths of a mile south from the present churches in…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 15, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 14, 1806May 16, 1806May 15, 1806 Thursday May 15th 1806. This morning early Reubin Fields in surching for his horse saw a large bear at no…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Boat on the Serchio

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Evening: Ponte Al Mare, PisaMusicThe Boat on the Serchio Published in part (lines 1-61, 88-118) by Mrs. Shelley, "Posthumous Poems", 1824; revised and enlarged by…

Brewer's: Raven

A bird of ill omen. They are said to forebode death and bring infection. The former notion arises from their following an army under the expectation of finding dead bodies to raven on; the…