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(Encyclopedia) toad, name applied to certain members of the amphibian order Anura, which also includes the frog. Although there is no clear-cut distinction between toads and frogs, the name toad…

Ezekiel: 34

Ezekiel Chapter 34 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the…

Search Dogs

Search and rescue dogs prove an invaluable resource to emergency personnel by Mark Zurlo Related Links Disaster Survival GuideDisaster KitNatural Disasters Dog Breed HangmanResponsible…


(Encyclopedia) shark, member of a group of almost exclusively marine and predaceous fishes. There are about 250 species of sharks, ranging from the 2-ft (60-cm) pygmy shark to 50-ft (15-m) giants.…

Bat and Owl: Night Hearing

Find information and a video about the nocturnal predator bat, its use of echolocation to find prey and ultrasound songs to attract a mate.

Do You Know How These Animal Partnerships Work?

Animals are one of the many wonders of this world. They are often seen as predators and prey, but sometimes, there are strange partnerships throughout the animal kingdom. Do you know how these…

Tyrannosaurus Sue

The prehistoric giant stands again Sue is a sensation. It's not just that she's 42 ft long and 65 million years old. She's the world's most complete, best preserved, and largest Tyrannosaurus…

Animal Self-Defense Quiz

The animal kingdom is a dangerous place. A poor prey animal has to do what it can to protect itself. Some of these methods of self-defense are bizarre, to say the least. How well do you know these…


(Encyclopedia) cat, name applied broadly to the carnivorous mammals constituting the family Felidae, and specifically to the domestic cat, Felis catus. The great roaring cats, the lion, tiger, and…

1997–1998 Broadcast Premieres

Ally McBealAlright AlreadyAsk HarrietBetween BrothersBeyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?Brooklyn SouthBuilt to LastThe CloserCluelessCrackerC16:FBIDamonDawson's CreekDellaventuraDharma &…