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Brewer's: Hecate

(3 syl. in Greek, 2 in Eng.). A triple deity, called Phoebe or the Moon in heaven, Diana on the earth, and Hecate or Proserpine in hell. She is described as having three heads—one of a…

Brewer's: Leonora

wife of Fernando Florestan, a state prisoner in Seville. (Beethoven: Fidelio, an opera.) (See Fernando.) Leonora. A princess who fell in love with Manrico, the supposed son of Azucen'a…

Brewer's: U'nicorn

According to the legends of the Middle Ages, the unicorn could be caught only by placing a virgin in his haunts; upon seeing the virgin, the creature would lose its fierceness and lie…

Major Chemical and Nuclear Disasters

Accidents happen, but when they destroy the delicate balance of nature or cause a large number of people to suffer, they become disasters. Here are some of the largest disasters that have been…

The World's Worst Pollution Problems, 2011

According to the Blacksmith Institute, "this report gives an overview of the range of pollution threats humans face throughout the world." Each problem listed below exists in more…

Wisdom: 1

Wisdom Chapter 1 1 Love righteousness, ye that be judges of the earth: think of the Lord with a good (heart,) and in simplicity of heart seek him. 2 For he will be found of them that tempt him…

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 10

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 9Chapter 11Chapter 10 When his servant entered, he looked at him steadfastly and wondered if he had thought of peering behind the screen. The man was quite…

William Shakespeare: Cymbeline, Act V, Scene V

Scene VCymbeline's tentEnter Cymbeline, Belarius, Guiderius, Arviragus, Pisanio, Lords, Officers, and AttendantsCymbelineStand by my side, you whom the gods have made Preservers of my throne…

Tales from Shakespeare: Cymbeline

Cymbeline During the time of Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome, there reigned in England (which was then called Britain) a king whose name was Cymbeline. Cymbeline's first wife died when his…