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The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 6

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 5Chapter 7Chapter 6 "I suppose you have heard the news, Basil?" said Lord Henry that evening as Hallward was shown into a little private room at the Bristol…

Book Two

Book Two   Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of…

Coleridge: Kubla Khan

ChristabelLoveKubla Khan In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea…

Common manifestations of schizophrenia

Disturbances of perception and thought process fall into a broad category of symptoms referred to as psychosis. The threshold for determining whether thought is impaired varies somewhat with the…

Kaushitaki-Upanishad: Third Adhyâya

Third Adhyâya 1. Pratardana, forsooth, the son of Divodasa (king of Kasi), came by means of fighting and strength to the beloved abode of Indra. Indra said to him “Pratardana, let me give you…

The True George Washington: Social Life

Social LifeIn VirginiaThere can be no doubt that Washington, like the Virginian of his time, was pre-eminently social. It is true that late in life he complained, as already quoted, that his…

Brewer's: Pleased as Punch

Greatly delighted. Our old friend Punch is always singing with self-satisfaction in all his naughty ways, and his evident “pleasure” is contageous to the beholders. “You could skip over to…

They warn me of the fearful danger of relapsing

They warn me of the fearful danger of relapsingMetusque, RelabiMeditationJohn Donne IT is not in man's body, as it is in the city, that when the bell hath rung, to cover your fire, and rake…

Brewer's: Hercules' Choice

Immortality the reward of toil in preference to pleasure. Xenophon tells us when Hercules was a youth he was accosted by two women—Virtue and Pleasure—and asked to choose between them.…