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Displaying 371 - 380

James Surowiecki

James Surowiecki writes a financial column for the magazine The New Yorker. A graduate of the University of North Carolina (1988), Surowiecki has written for New York and Fortune magazines, and…

Eli Whitney

The Question: Was Eli Whitney an African-American? The Answer: No. Eli Whitney, who invented the cotton gin and was responsible for developing methods of…

Do Paralympic athletes use standard prostheses?

The Question: For the Paralympic Games, do the athletes all get like a standard prosthetic? They're starting up soon. I remember a bunch of chatter online about prosthetic legs giving people and…

Teddy Goalsevelt

Teddy Goalsevelt is the frantic superfan, dressed as President Teddy Roosevelt, who energized American fans in Brazil at the World Cup in 2014. Wearing a jungle hat, wire-rim glasses and leather…

David Stern

David Stern was the longest-tenured commissioner in the history of the National Basketball Association. He served in the job from 1984-2014. David Stern is credited with growing the NBA into a…

Elfriede Jelinek

Elfriede Jelinek is a controversial Austrian novelist and dramatist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004. In the early 1960s she studied music composition and theater science, and by the…

Eleanor Mondale Poling

Eleanor Mondale Poling was the daughter of Walter Mondale, the prominent Minnesota politician who was vice president under Jimmy Carter and later U.S. ambassador to Japan. Eleanor Mondale graduated…

Mindy Kaling

Name at birth: Vera Mindy ChokalingamMindy Kaling is a comic writer and actor who broke out as Kelly Kapoor, the flighty Indian-American from the television series The Office. Kaling grew up outside…

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., is a professor at Harvard University, the author of many books of literary criticism and African American history, and the director of Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute for…

Kate Upton

Kate Upton is the curvy blue-eyed blonde who appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated's annual swimsuit issue in 2012 and 2013 and then on the 50th-anniversary issue cover in 2014. Born in…