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Hakone, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Hakone, Mount: see under Hakone, region, Japan.

Lucania, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Lucania, Mount, 17,147 ft (5,226 m) high, in the St. Elias Mts., SW Yukon, Canada, near the Alaska line; Canada's third tallest peak.

Aso, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Aso, Mount, Kyushu, Japan: see Aso-san.

Mitchell, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Mitchell, Mount, peak, 6,684 ft (2,037 m) high, W N.C., in the Black Mts. of the Appalachian system; highest peak E of the Mississippi River.

Elbert, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Elbert, Mount, peak, 14,433 ft (4,399 m) high, central Colo.; highest point in the state and tallest peak in the U.S. Rocky Mts.


(Encyclopedia) Fujiyama, mountain, Japan: see Fuji, Mount.