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Weather: Child's Play

Child's PlayWeatherEl Nio: The Grown-Up ChildThe Connection Between the Sea and the AtmosphereChild's PlayLa Nia: The Kid's Sister El Nio has always been associated with economic hardship along the…


The Martian MoonsMeteorites from Mars Mars, on the other side of Earth from Venus, is Venus's direct opposite in terms of physical properties. Its atmosphere is cold, thin, and transparent,…

April Current Events 2023: World News

Top of Page U.S. News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News | Current Events This Week The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you…

Vietnam War Timeline

U.S., South Vietnam, and Allies versus North Vietnam and National Liberation Front (Viet Cong).1950President Truman sends 35-man military advisory group to aid French fighting to maintain…

Coleridge: At Nether Stowey

The BeginningsThe Rest of the StoryAt Nether Stowey The Stowey period was the blossoming time of Coleridge's genius. All the poems in this volume except the last four, and besides these "…

The Pacific Ocean Quiz

Are you fascinated by the vast and mysterious Pacific Ocean? From its staggering size and depth to its diverse marine life, this incredible body of water has captivated explorers and scientists for…

How Fast Can Animals Really Go?

Do you know which animal can outrun a car or which bird can dive at speeds faster than a bullet? In this quiz, you will have the opportunity to learn about the impressive speeds of different animals…

Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson ReaganBorn: 2/6/1911Birthplace: Tampico, Ill. Ronald Wilson Reagan rode to the presidency in 1980 on a tide of resurgent right-wing sentiment among an electorate longing for a…

Coleridge: France: an Ode, Notes

Kubla KhanDejection: an OdeFrance: an Ode When Coleridge republished this poem in the Post in 1802 he prefixed to it the following Argument First Stanza. An invocation to those objects…