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Aslauga's Knight

Aslauga's KnightIt was curious to see the change which came over Dan after that talk. A weight seemed off his mind; and though the old impetuous spirit flashed out at times, he seemed intent…

Anne Bradstreet: Water

WaterScarce Earth had done, but th' angry water moved. Sister (quoth she) it had full well behoved Among your boastings to have praised me Cause of your fruitfulness as you shall see: This…

Amy Lowell: The Boston Athenaeum

The Boston AthenaeumThou dear and well-loved haunt of happy hours, How often in some distant gallery, Gained by a little painful spiral stair, Far from the halls and corridors where throng…

Poem: Portrait of a Lady

13 - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Preludes - 15 Portrait of a Lady Thou hast committed-- Fornication: but that was in another country And besides, the wench is dead. -…

Literary Lessons

Literary LessonsFortune suddenly smiled upon Jo, and dropped a good luck penny in her path. Not a golden penny, exactly, but I doubt if half a million would have given more real happiness…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Cenci Scene 5.2:

by Percy Bysshe Shelley SCENE 5.1: SCENE 5.3: SCENE 5.2: A HALL OF JUSTICE. CAMILLO, JUDGES, ETC., ARE DISCOVERED SEATED; MARZIO IS LED IN. FIRST JUDGE: Accused, do you persist in your…

Walt Whitman: Song of Myself, Part 50

Part 50There is that in me—I do not know what it is—but I know it is in me.Wrench'd and sweaty—calm and cool then my body becomes, I sleep—I sleep long.I do not know it—it is without name—it…