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Brewer's: Agrarian Law

from the Latin ager (land), is a law for making land the common property of a nation, and not the particular property of individuals. In a modified form, it means a redistribution of land…

Brewer's: Boyle's Law

“The volume of a gas is inversely as the pressure.” If we double the pressure on a gas, its volume is reduced to one-half; if we quadruple the pressure, it will be reduced to one-fourth;…

Brewer's: By-laws

Local laws. From by, a borough. Properly, laws by a Town Council, and bearing only on the borough or company over which it has jurisdiction. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Limb of the Law

(A). A lawyer, or a clerk articled to a lawyer. The hands are limbs of the body, and the lawyer's clerks are his hands to copy out what the head of the office directs. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Grimm's Law

A law discovered by Jacob L. Grimm, the German philologist, to show how the mute consonants interehange as corresponding words occur in different branches of the Aryan family of languages…

Brewer's: Cowper Law

a corruption of Cupar, etc., is trying a man after execution. Similar expressions are Jedwood, Jeddart, and Jedburgh justice. Cowper justice had its rise from a baron-baile in Coupar-Angus…

Brewer's: Club-law

The law of might or compulsion through fear of chastisement. Do it or get a hiding. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894ClueClub-land A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Blue Laws

(The). These were puritanical laws enacted in 1732, at New Haven, Connecticut, in the United States of America. Their object was to stamp out “heresy,” and enforce a strict observance of…

Brewer's: Cutter's Law

Not to see a fellow want while we have cash in our purse. Cutter's law means the law of purse-cutters, robbers, brigands, and highwaymen. “I must put you in cash with some of your old…

Brewer's: Lydford Law

is, punish first and try afterwards. Lydford, in the county of Devon, was a fortified town, in which was an ancient castle, where were held the courts of the Duchy of Cornwall. Offenders…