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Displaying 191 - 200

Brewer's: Uriel

“Regent of the Sun,” and “sharpest-sighted spirit of all in heaven.” (Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 690.) Longfellow, in the Golden Legend, makes Raphael the angel of the Sun, and Uriel the…

Brewer's: V

V represents a hook, and is called in Hebrew vav (a hook). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894V. D. M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S…

Brewer's: Vanity Fair

A fair established by Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion, for the sale of all sorts of vanities. It was held in the town of Vanity, and lasted all the year round. Here were sold houses, lands…

Brewer's: Soldier

originally meant a hireling or mercenary; one paid a solidus for military service; but hireling and soldier convey now very different ideas. (See above.) To come the old soldier over one…

Brewer's: Solomon

The English Solomon. James I., called by Sully “the wisest fool in Christendom.” (1566, 1603-1625.) Henry VII. was so called for his wise policy in uniting the York and Lancaster factions…

Brewer's: Son

(or descendant of). Norman, Fitz-; Gaelic, Mac; Welsh, Ap- (sometimes contracted into P, as P-richard); Irish, O'; Hebrew and Arabic, Ben-, all prefixes: English, -son; Russian, -vitch or…

Brewer's: Song

Father of modern French song. Panard: also called the “La Fontaine of the Vaudeville.” (1691-1765.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Song of DegreesSons of…

Brewer's: Winter's Tale

(Shakespeare). Taken from the Pleasant History of Dorastus and Fawnia by Robert Green. Dorastus is called by Shakespeare Florizel and Doricles, and…

Brewer's: Worship

means state or condition of worth, hence the term “his worship,” meaning his worthyship. “Thou shalt have worship in the presence of them that…

Brewer's: Sunday

Important battles fought on Sunday. Barnet, Bull Run, Carberry Hill, Friedland, Fuentes d'Onoro, Jarnac, THE GLORIOUS FIRST OF JUNE (Lord Howe's great victory), Killiecrankie, Kunersdorf,…