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Brewer's: Malthusian

(A). A disciple of Malthus, whose political doctrines are laid down in his Essay on the Principles of Population. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Malthusian…

Brewer's: Monothelism

consisted in the doctrine that, although Christ has two distinct natures, He never had but one will, His human will being merged in the divine. (Greek, monos-thelema, one single will.)…

Titus: 2

Titus Chapter 2 1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: 2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. 3 The aged…

James Monroe

James Monroe was president of the United States from 1817-1825 and is best known for establishing the aggressive foreign policy stand known as the Monroe Doctrine. James Monroe served one term as…

Brewer's: Infallibility

(of the Church of Rome) is the doctrine that the Church of Rome cannot at any time cease to be orthodox in her doctrine, and that what she declares ex cathedrâ is substantially true. The…

Brewer's: Materialism

The doctrines of a Materialist, who maintains that the soul and spirit are effects of matter. The orthodox doctrine is that the soul is distinct from the body, and is a portion of the…

Maryland Farmer VII

Maryland Farmer VII11 April 1788by Thus it is that barbarity—cruelty and blood which stain the history of religion, spring from the corruption of civil government, and from that never-dying…

Post-9/11 Changes By the U.S. Government

Has the government's response to 9/11 compromised civil rights in the name of national security? USA Patriot Act and Domestic Spying | Department of Homeland Security | Military Tribunals and…

Brewer's: Copernicanism

The doctrine that the earth moves round the sun, in opposition to the doctrine that the sun moves round the earth; so called after Nicolas Copernicus, the Prussian astronomer. (1473-1543…

Brewer's: Theist, Deist, Atheist, Agnostic

A theist believes there is a God who made and governs all creation; but does not believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, nor in a divine revelation. A deist believes there is a God who…