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Lewis Carroll: CANTO II—Hys Fyve Rules

CANTO II—Hys Fyve Rules“My First—but don’t suppose,” he said, “I’m setting you a riddle— Is—if your Victim be in bed, Don’t touch the curtains at his head, But take them in the middle,“And…

Ballots: Types and History

by David Johnson Italian Origins of "Ballot" The word "ballot" comes from the Italian, "ballotta" or "little colored ball." In the 13th century some Italian communes used ballottas for votes.…

Brewer's: Flag

(Danish, flag.) A black flag is the emblem of piracy or of no quarter. (See Black Flags.) To unfurl the black flag. To declare war. The curtain which used to hang before the door of…

Habakkuk: 3

Habakkuk Chapter 3 1 A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigionoth. 2 O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the…

Rookie of the Year

Pop's Tots Do Battle, Napster Courts the Big Guys By Kevin O'Hare WHETHER SPINNING the dials or scanning the charts, it sometimes seemed like the entire world of music had been whittled down to…