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Displaying 431 - 440

Sun Tzu on the Art of War: Terrain [1]

The Army on the March [1] The Nine Situations Terrain [1] Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain, to wit: Accessible ground; [2] entangling ground…

Jessie Arbogast

8-year-old Jessie Arbogast was swimming in the ocean near Pensacola, Florida on 6 July 2001 when a 200-pound bull shark bit off his right arm. Arbogast's uncle, Vance Flosenzier, wrestled the shark…

Adam Curry

Television audiences know big-haired "video jockey" (VJ) Adam Curry as the host of the 1980s' "Top 20 Countdown" on MTV, and early online users know him as one of the first celebrities to emerge on…


The Sojourner rover is an exploratory robot which landed on Mars on July 4, 1997, and spent weeks exploring the planet's surface. Sojourner was part of NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission, dedicated to…

Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter (MRO) (U.S.)

Destination: Mars orbit. Launched: Aug. 12, 2005. Arrival: March 2006. Mission: To study the history of water on Mars. From its Mars orbit, the mission will take pictures, analyze minerals,…

John Rigas, 2002 News

founder of Adelphia Communications Corp., was indicted in September on charges of bank, wire, and securities fraud. His sons, Timothy and Michael, and two other executives were also charged…

Valeisha Butterfield

Valeisha Butterfield is the activist and public relations personality who was engaged to rapper The Game for a short time in 2006. The couple initially set March of 2007 as the date for their…