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Walter FOLGER, Jr., Congress, MA (1765-1849)

FOLGER Walter, Jr. , a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Nantucket, Mass., June 12, 1765; attended the public schools; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practiced; member of the…

Seasons, Months, Days

Learn the reasons for the seasons, daylight saving time, the meaning of the days of the weeks, months, and astrological signs. The Names of the Months The Names of the Days of the Week…

Calendar & Holidays

Cite Find dates for holidays, seasons, Daylight Savings Time, view a calendar for the current year and more. Calendars Clocks Seasons, Months, Days Major Holidays Other…

Cold War on the Courts

U.S. and Russian basketball teams play the most controversial game in Olympic history by Gerry Brown Russian Aleksander Belov scores the controversial winning basket in 1972. (Source: AP)…

How Big is a Time Zone?

The Question: How far apart are each of the time zones? The Answer: The answer to your question depends on where you are. The world's time zones were created by…

The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids

The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day she wanted to go…

U.S. Daylight Saving Time Schedule

The United States. Daylight saving time, also called “summer time,” is the practice of advancing clocks forward by one hour in the spring to gain additional daylight during the early evening. In the…

Clauses: Adjective Clauses: Paint by Numbers

Adjective Clauses: Paint by Numbers Clauses Introduction Subordinating Conjunctions Link 'Em Together Adverb Clauses: Hot Shots Adjective Clauses: Paint by Numbers Noun Clauses: What's in a…

Calendar and Holidays

Cultures throughout history have devised many ways of tracking time, from ancient China to Mesoamerica.By some estimates, humans have been tracking the seasons and the movements of the stars for more…