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China and the World Make a Date for 2008

After missing out on the 2000 Summer Games by two votes, Beijing gets its chance in 2008 by John Gettings This article was posted in July 2001. Read more about Beijing controversies, or the…

Housing Expense Guidelines

Source: Fannie Mae Your job history is important and it will be a major factor in whether you qualify for a loan. If you have been working continuously for two years or more, you are considered to…

The Risks and Rewards of Virtual Reality

by Ciera M. Gaughf, Education Program Specialist, Center for Cyber Safety and Education   I am sure you have seen the commercials for Verizon, Samsung and other Virtual Reality gear where you can…

Playing Pilgrims

Playing Pilgrims"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug."It's so dreadful to be poor!" sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress."I don't think it's…

Anatomy and
Physiology: The Heart

The HeartAnatomy and PhysiologyThe HeartAnatomy of the HeartThe Four ChambersThe Heart's Own BloodECG: Measuring a Beat Valentine's Day, at least the greeting card variety, has forever done the…

Purchasing Agent

Maria Duffy Tell us about your work---what do you do? I am a food buyer at Showboat hotel and casino . I purchase everything you eat and drink…

Brewer's: Angle with a Silver Hook

(To) To buy fish at market. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AnglingAngle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

October 2000 News and Events

WorldEngland Debuts Bill of Rights (Oct. 2): Labor Party's pet project, part of the Human Rights Act, will likely reshape centuries-old relationship between citizens and government.Violence…