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Displaying 441 - 450

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 12, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 11, 1805May 13, 1805May 12, 1805 Sunday May 12th 1805. Set out at an early hour, the weather clear and Calm; I walked on shore this morning…

Brewer's: Bore

(A). A person who bestows his tediousness on you; one who wearies you with his prate, his company, or his solicitations. Verb bear, bore, borne, to endure. A bore is someone we bore with…

Galatians: 6

Galatians Chapter 6 1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye…

Brewer's: Standards

Standard of Augustus. A globe, to indicate his conquest of the whole world. Standard of Edward I. The arms of England, St. George, St. Edmond, and St. Edward. Standard of Mahomet. (See…

Book Ten

Book Ten   Wilt thou, then, my soul, never be good and simple and one and naked, more manifest than the body which surrounds thee? Wilt thou never enjoy an affectionate and contented…

Walt Whitman: To Think of Time, Part 1

Part 1To think of time—of all that retrospection, To think of to-day, and the ages continued henceforward.Have you guess'd you yourself would not continue? Have you dreaded these earth-…

Sara Teasdale: Thoughts

ThoughtsWhen I am all alone Envy me most, Then my thoughts flutter round me In a glimmering host;Some dressed in silver, Some dressed in white, Each like a taper Blossoming light;Most of…

Willie Thrower 2002 Deaths

Willie ThrowerAge: 71 became NFL's first African-American quarterback when he appeared in a game for the Chicago Bears on Oct. 18, 1953; never appeared in another game and it would be 15…