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Displaying 141 - 150

Notable Hispanic Americans, A-Z

Biographies by Category: Athletes Film, Television, and Theater Personalities Leaders and Activists Musicians and Visual…

Hispanic American Countries of Origin

Over 50 million people identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino on the 2010 census Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica CubaDominican Republic Ecuador El…

Attorney---Native American issues

Dan Rey-Bear Tell us about your work---what do you do? I am an attorney at a small to mid-sized law firm (about 16 attorneys) which specializes in representing…

Famous Firsts by LGBT Americans

  Some early accomplishments by LGBT Americans LGBT Firsts: Government1 Local elected lesbian official: Kathy Kozachenko, 1974, Ann Arbor City Council, Mich. Local elected gay official: Harvey…

2001 American League Preview

by Michael Morrison American League East New York Yankees Will George Steinbrenner ever be satisfied? In the offseason, after winning their third consecutive World Series, and…

Native American Nations & Tribes

Information about select nations and groups There are over 500 different Native American nations recognized by the United States.  Related Links Biographies of Notable American Indians…

American Sign Language and Braille

Sign language for the deaf was first systematized in France during the 18th century by Abbot Charles-Michel l'Epée. French Sign Language (FSL) was brought to the United States in 1816 by…

Where Americans Use the Internet

Home only 36% Home and work 34% Home and another place other than work 10% Home and work and another place 8% Work only 7% Another place only 3% Work and another place…