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Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and is one of the world's wealthiest men. Buffett is known as "the Sage of Omaha" for his remarkable savvy in stock market investments and…

Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes is most famous for the last years of his life, when his mind faded and he lived the life of a wealthy, paranoid recluse. But earlier he had been a dashing and innovative businessman and…

Walpole, Robert, 1st earl of Orford

(Encyclopedia) Walpole, Robert, 1st earl of Orford, 1676–1745, English statesman. Walpole is usually described as the first prime minister of Great Britain, but he was not a prime minister in the…

Brewer's: El Dorado

Golden illusion; a land or means of unbounded wealth. Orellana, lieutenant of Pizarro, pretended he had discovered a land of gold ( el dorado) between the rivers Orinoco and Amazon, in…

Sonnets by William Shakespeare: XCI

Sonnet XC Sonnet XCII XCI Some glory in their birth, some in their skill, Some in their wealth, some in their body's force, Some in their garments though new-fangled ill; Some in their…