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Displaying 361 - 370

Walt Whitman: My Canary Bird

My Canary BirdDid we count great, O soul, to penetrate the themes of mighty books, Absorbing deep and full from thoughts, plays, speculations? But now from thee to me, caged bird, to feel thy…

Walt Whitman: To-Day and Thee

To-Day and TheeThe appointed winners in a long-stretch'd game; The course of Time and nations—Egypt, India, Greece and Rome; The past entire, with all its heroes, histories, arts, experiments…

Walt Whitman: After the Dazzle of Day

After the Dazzle of DayAfter the dazzle of day is gone, Only the dark, dark night shows to my eyes the stars; After the clangor of organ majestic, or chorus, or perfect band, Silent, athwart…

Walt Whitman: Death of General Grant

Death of General GrantAs one by one withdraw the lofty actors, From that great play on history's stage eterne, That lurid, partial act of war and peace—of old and new contending, Fought out…

Walt Whitman: Of That Blithe Throat of Thine

Of That Blithe Throat of ThineOf that blithe throat of thine from arctic bleak and blank, I'll mind the lesson, solitary bird—let me too welcome chilling drifts, E'en the profoundest chill,…

Walt Whitman: Old Salt Kossabone

Old Salt KossaboneFar back, related on my mother's side, Old Salt Kossabone, I'll tell you how he died: (Had been a sailor all his life—was nearly 90—lived with his married grandchild,…

Walt Whitman: The Calming Thought of All

The Calming Thought of AllThat coursing on, whate'er men's speculations, Amid the changing schools, theologies, philosophies, Amid the bawling presentations new and old, The round earth's…

Walt Whitman: Thanks in Old Age

Thanks in Old AgeThanks in old age—thanks ere I go, For health, the midday sun, the impalpable air—for life, mere life, For precious ever-lingering memories, (of you my mother dear—you,…

Walt Whitman: While Not the Past Forgetting

While Not the Past ForgettingWhile not the past forgetting, To-day, at least, contention sunk entire—peace, brotherhood uprisen; For sign reciprocal our Northern, Southern hands, Lay on the…

Walt Whitman: As the Greek's Signal Flame

As the Greek's Signal FlameAs the Greek's signal flame, by antique records told, Rose from the hill-top, like applause and glory, Welcoming in fame some special veteran, hero, With rosy tinge…