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Displaying 201 - 210

Walt Whitman: Race of Veterans

Race of VeteransRace of veterans—race of victors! Race of the soil, ready for conflict—race of the conquering march! (No more credulity's race, abiding-temper'd race,) Race henceforth owning…

Walt Whitman: Delicate Cluster

Delicate ClusterDelicate cluster! flag of teeming life! Covering all my lands—all my seashores lining! Flag of death! (how I watch'd you through the smoke of battle pressing! How I heard you…

Walt Whitman: To a Certain Civilian

To a Certain CivilianDid you ask dulcet rhymes from me? Did you seek the civilian's peaceful and languishing rhymes? Did you find what I sang erewhile so hard to follow? Why I was not singing…

Walt Whitman: Adieu to a Soldier

Adieu to a SoldierAdieu O soldier, You of the rude campaigning, (which we shared,) The rapid march, the life of the camp, The hot contention of opposing fronts, the long manoeuvre, Red…

Walt Whitman: Turn O Libertad

Turn O LibertadTurn O Libertad, for the war is over, From it and all henceforth expanding, doubting no more, resolute, sweeping the world, Turn from lands retrospective recording proofs…

Walt Whitman: As Consequent, Etc.

As Consequent, Etc.As consequent from store of summer rains, Or wayward rivulets in autumn flowing, Or many a herb-lined brook's reticulations, Or subterranean sea-rills making for the sea,…

Walt Whitman: The Return of the Heroes

The Return of the HeroesPart 1For the lands and for these passionate days and for myself, Now I awhile retire to thee O soil of autumn fields, Reclining on thy breast, giving myself to thee,…

Walt Whitman: Old Ireland

Old IrelandFar hence amid an isle of wondrous beauty, Crouching over a grave an ancient sorrowful mother, Once a queen, now lean and tatter'd seated on the ground, Her old white hair drooping…

Walt Whitman: Unnamed Land

Unnamed LandNations ten thousand years before these States, and many times ten thousand years before these States, Garner'd clusters of ages that men and women like us grew up and…

Walt Whitman: Song of Prudence

Song of PrudenceManhattan's streets I saunter'd pondering, On Time, Space, Reality—on such as these, and abreast with them Prudence.The last explanation always remains to be made about…