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Brewer's: Vert

[green ], in heraldry, signifies love, joy, and abundance. It is represented on the shields of noblemen by the emerald, and on those of kings by the planet Venus In heraldry vert is…

Brewer's: Samedi

(French). Saturday. A contraction of Saturni-dies. In French, m and n are interchangeable, whence Saturne is changed to Saturme, and contracted into Same. M. Masson, in his French…

Brewer's: Lucifer

The morning star. Venus is both an evening and a morning star: When she follows the sun, and is an evening star, she is called Hesperus; when she precedes the sun, and appears before…

Brewer's: Poisson d'Avril

An April fool. The poisson d'Avril is the mackerel, and we have the expression “You silly mackerel,” and silly indeed are those who allow themselves to be caught by the palpable jokes…

June 2008 Phenomena

For terms in boldface, see Astronomical Terms. Day Phenomenon Hour 3 NEW MOON 1423 7…

Brewer's: Zacocia

King of Mozambec. Camoens, in his Lusiad, says that he received Vasco da Gama and his men with great hospitality, believing them to be Mahometans, but the moment he discovered that they…

Brewer's: Babouin

Taisez-vous, petite babouin; laissez parlez votre mère, qui est plus sage que vous. The tale or fable is this: A girl one day went to make an offering to Venus, and prayed the goddess to…

Brewer's: Pentacle

A five-sided head-dress of fine linen, meant to represent the five senses, and worn as a defence against demons in the act of conjuration. It is also called Solomon's Seal (signum…

Brewer's: Pharsalia

An epic in Latin hexameters by Lucan. The battle of Pharsalia was between Pompey and Cæsar. Pompey had 45,000 legionaries, 7,000 cavalry, and a large number of auxiliaries; Cæsar had 22,…

Brewer's: Mercurial Finger

(The). The little finger. The thumb, in chiromancy, we give to Venus, The forefinger to Jove, the midst to Saturn, The ring to Sol, the least to Mercury. BenJonson: The Alchemist, i. 1.…