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Displaying 181 - 190

James Middleton COX, Congress, OH (1870-1957)

COX James Middleton , a Representative from Ohio; born on a farm near Jacksonburg, Butler County, Ohio, March 31, 1870; attended Butler County schools and Amanda (Ohio) High School; after two…

James Baird WEAVER, Congress, IA (1833-1912)

WEAVER James Baird , a Representative from Iowa; born in Dayton, Ohio, June 12, 1833; moved with his parents to Michigan in 1835 and subsequently moved to Iowa and settled on a farm near…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Same

by Percy Bysshe Shelley From Vergil's Tenth EclogueFrom Vergil's Fourth GeorgicThe Same (As revised by Mr. C.D. Locock.) Melodious Arethusa, o'er my verse Shed thou once more the…

Movies and Film: Films Worth Remembering

Films Worth RememberingMovies and FilmFilm Composition and CinematographyThe Mise-en-Scne Really Means Everything, AlmostElements of the Mise-en-ScneFilms Worth Remembering The following films or…

Albert Baird CUMMINS, Congress, IA (1850-1926)

Senate Years of Service: 1908-1926 Party: Republican CUMMINS Albert Baird , a Senator from Iowa; born near Carmichaels, Greene County, Pa., February 15, 1850; attended the public schools, and a…

The Song of Hiawatha: The White Man's Foot

The Famine Hiawatha's Departure The White Man's Foot In his lodge beside a river, Close beside a frozen river, Sat an old man, sad and lonely. White his hair was as a snow-drift; Dull…

Amy Lowell: Teatro Bambino

Teatro BambinoDublin, N. H.How still it is! Sunshine itself here falls In quiet shafts of light through the high trees Which, arching, make a roof above the walls Changing from sun to…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: 4

4'T was one of the charmèd days When the genius of God doth flow; The wind may alter twenty ways, A tempest cannot blow; It may blow north, it still is warm; Or south, it still is clear; Or…