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Displaying 71 - 80

Brewer's: Dead Wind

(A). A wind directly opposed to a ship's course; a wind dead ahead. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Dead WoodDead Weight A B C D E F G H I J K L…

Brewer's: Samiel Wind

or Simoom'. A hot suffocating wind that blows occasionally in Africa and Arabia. (Arabic, samma, suffocatingly hot.) “Burning and beadlong as the Samiel wind.” ThomasMoore: Lalla Rookh,…

Brewer's: Raise the Wind

To obtain ready money by hook or crook. A sea phrase. What wind is to a ship, money is to commerce. Ive tried queer ways The wind to raise, But ne'er had such a blow. Judy (My Lost Dog),…

Brewer's: Trade Winds

Winds that trade or tread in one uniform track. In the northern hemisphere they blow from the north-east, and in the southern hemisphere from the south-east, about thirty degrees each side…

Brewer's: Whistle for the Wind

(See Capfull.) What gales are sold on Lapland's shore! How whistle rash bids tempests roar! SirWalterScott: Rokeby, ii. II…

Brewer's: Wind Egg

An egg without a shell. Dr. Johnson's notion that the wind egg does not contain the principle of life is no more correct than the supersition that the…

Brewer's: Second Wind

(The), in running. All animals soon after the start get out of breath, but as the body becomes heated, breathing becomes more easy, and endures till fatigue produces exhaustion; this is…

Brewer's: Etesian Wind

(An). “Etesia Flabra Aquilorium, ” says Lucretius (v. 741). A wind which rises annually about the dog-days, and blows forty days together in the same direction. It is a gentle and mild…

Cale Young Rice: When the Wind is low

When the Wind is lowCale Young RiceWhen the wind is low, and the sea is soft, And the far heat-lightning plays On the rim of the west where dark clouds nest On a darker bank of haze; When I…


(Encyclopedia) ocarinaocarinaŏkərēˈnə [key], musical wind instrument with eight finger holes and two thumb holes, rather egg-shaped, and made of metal, terra-cotta or plastic. Unlike other wind…