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Foreman, George

(Encyclopedia) Foreman, George, 1948–, American boxer, b. Marshall, Tex. A high school dropout, Foreman learned to box in the Job Corps. In 1968 he was the Olympic heavyweight gold medalist. Foreman…

Same-sex marriage

The Question: Which states recognize gay marriages or civil unions? The Answer: This is a hot-button issue and the status changes frequently, so…

Brewer's: Ramee Samee

The conjurer who swallowed swords, and could twist himself into a knot as if he had neither bones nor joints. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

mass, in physics

(Encyclopedia) mass, in physics, the quantity of matter in a body regardless of its volume or of any forces acting on it. The term should not be confused with weight, which is the measure of the…

Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore

(Encyclopedia) Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877–1947, U.S. senator (1935–47), b. near Poplarville, Pearl River co., Miss. After study at the Univ. of Nashville (1897–1900) and Vanderbilt Univ. law…


(Encyclopedia) jeopardy, in law, condition of a person charged with a crime and thus in danger of punishment. At common law a defendant could be exposed to jeopardy for the same offense only once;…

Hudson River school

(Encyclopedia) Hudson River school, group of American landscape painters, working from 1825 to 1875. The 19th-century romantic movements of England, Germany, and France were introduced to the United…

Trevino, Lee

(Encyclopedia) Trevino, Lee, 1939–, American golfer, b. Dallas, Tex. Personable, witty, and extremely popular, he won the U.S. Open twice (1968 and 1971), the British Open twice (1971–72), and the…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The River

The RiverAnd I behold once more My old familiar haunts; here the blue river, The same blue wonder that my infant eye Admired, sage doubting whence the traveller came,— Whence brought his…

Louis the Younger

(Encyclopedia) Louis the Younger, c.830–882, German king, ruler (876–82) over Saxony, Franconia, and Thuringia, son of Louis the German. He shared the succession to his father's lands with his…