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Brewer's: All Souls' Day

The 2nd of November, so called because the Roman Catholics on that day seek by prayer and almsgiving to alleviate the sufferings of souls in purgatory. It was first instituted in the…

Louisa May Alcott: Thanksgiving

ThanksgivingThis yearly festival was always kept at Plumfield in the good old-fashioned way, and nothing was allowed to interfere with it. For days beforehand, the little girls helped Asia…

Brewer's: Pilgarlio

or Pill'd Garlic (A). One whose hair has fallen off from dissipation. Stow says of one getting bald: “He will soon be a peeled garlic like myself.” Generally a poor wretch avoided and…


Source: iStockThanksgiving is more than a meal— it's a chance to connect with family and friends, remember what you are grateful for, and of course, pass the mashed potatoes and gravy. But why not…

Brewer's: Apostles

The badges or symbols of fourteen apostles. Andrew, a cross, because he was crucified on a cross shaped like the letter x. Bartholomew, a knife, because he was flayed with a knife. James…

Name These Native American Tribes

Though explorers and pilgrims are known for setting foot in the Americas, they were not the first residents. What do you know about the First Nations peoples that lived in North America well before…

The Devil's Dictionary: Pillory

by Ambrose Bierce PILGRIMPIRACYPILLORY -n. A mechanical device for inflicting personal distinction - prototype of the modern newspaper conducted by persons of austere virtues and blameless…