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Unification Church

(Encyclopedia) Unification Church, church founded (1954) in South Korea by Sun Myung Moon; officially the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification for World Christianity. Moon moved to the United…

The Moon

Mercury and Venus do not have any moons. The planet that comes after Earth, Mars, has two very small moons. Jupiter has four major moons and at least 59 minor ones. Saturn, the ringed planet, has 56…

small arms

(Encyclopedia) small arms, firearms designed primarily to be carried and fired by one person and, generally, held in the hands, as distinguished from heavy arms, or artillery. Automatic small…


(Encyclopedia) brittlestar, common name for echinoderms belonging to the class Ophiuroidea. The name is derived from their habit of breaking off arms as a means of defense. New arms are easily…

<em>New Moon</em> Movie Review

Director Chris Weitz turns up the heat in the second Twilight film by Catherine McNiff Related Links New Moon TriviaNew Moon QuizTwilight PollTwilight HangmanTwilight PageHere…

precession of the equinoxes

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Precession of the equinoxes (the points at which the earth's celestial equator intersects its ecliptic) is due to the slow rotation of the earth's axis around a perpendicular to…

Brewer's: Arms

In the Bayeux tapestry, the Saxons fight on foot with javelin and battle-axe, and bear shields with the British characteristic of a boss in the centre. The men were moustached. The Normans…