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London, Jack

(Encyclopedia) London, Jack (John Griffith London), 1876–1916, American author, b. San Francisco. The illegitimate son of William Chaney, an astrologer, and Flora Wellman, a seamstress and medium, he…

The Last Days

Director:James MollWriter:October Films; 88 minutes; unratedRelease:2/99With:Tom Lantos, Alice Lok Cahana, Renee Firestone, Bill Basch, Irene Zisblatt This excellent documentary retells the…

Last Resort

Director/Writer:Pawel PawlikowskiShooting Gallery; NR; 75 minutesRelease:2/01Cast:Dina Korzun, Paddy Considine, Artiom Strelnikov Last year an estimated half-million illegal immigrants…