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Displaying 481 - 490

Presidents of the United States (table)

(Encyclopedia) Presidents of the United States President Political Party Dates in Office Vice President(s) George Washington 1789–97 John Adams John Adams Federalist 1797–1801 Thomas…

Peter, epistles of the New Testament

(Encyclopedia) Peter, two letters of the New Testament, classified among the Catholic (or General) Epistles. Each opens with a statement of authorship by the apostle St. Peter. First Peter, the…

Periodic Table of the Elements (table)

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements (showing atomic number and atomic symbol; click on atomic symbol for more detailed information) Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12…

Periodic Table of the Elements: Actinium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Actinium Atomic Number: 89 Atomic Symbol: Ac Actinium Atomic Weight: (227) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 18 9 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Aluminum

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Aluminum Atomic Number: 13 Atomic Symbol: Al Aluminum Atomic Weight: 26.98154 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 3

Periodic Table of the Elements: Americium

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Americium Atomic Number: 95 Atomic Symbol: Am Americium Atomic Weight: (243) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 25 8 · 2

Periodic Table of the Elements: Antimony

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Antimony Atomic Number: 51 Atomic Symbol: Sb Antimony Atomic Weight: 121.760 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 18 · 5

Periodic Table of the Elements: Argon

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Argon Atomic Number: 18 Atomic Symbol: Ar Argon Atomic Weight: 39.948 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 8

Periodic Table of the Elements: Arsenic

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Arsenic Atomic Number: 33 Atomic Symbol: As Arsenic Atomic Weight: 74.92160 Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 · 5

Periodic Table of the Elements: Astatine

(Encyclopedia) Periodic Table of the Elements: Astatine Atomic Number: 85 Atomic Symbol: At Astatine Atomic Weight: (210) Electron Configuration: 2 · 8 · 18 32 · 18 · 7