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The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XV

Paradiso: Canto XIVParadiso: Canto XVIParadiso: Canto XV A will benign, in which reveals itself Ever the love that righteously inspires, As in the iniquitous, cupidity, Silence…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XVI

Paradiso: Canto XVParadiso: Canto XVIIParadiso: Canto XVI O thou our poor nobility of blood, If thou dost make the people glory in thee Down here where our affection languishes, A…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XVII

Paradiso: Canto XVIParadiso: Canto XVIIIParadiso: Canto XVII As came to Clymene, to be made certain Of that which he had heard against himself, He who makes fathers chary still to…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XVIII

Paradiso: Canto XVIIParadiso: Canto XIXParadiso: Canto XVIII Now was alone rejoicing in its word That soul beatified, and I was tasting My own, the bitter tempering with the sweet,…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XIX

Paradiso: Canto XVIIIParadiso: Canto XXParadiso: Canto XIX Appeared before me with its wings outspread The beautiful image that in sweet fruition Made jubilant the interwoven souls;…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XX

Paradiso: Canto XIXParadiso: Canto XXIParadiso: Canto XX When he who all the world illuminates Out of our hemisphere so far descends That on all sides the daylight is consumed, The…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXI

Paradiso: Canto XXParadiso: Canto XXIIParadiso: Canto XXI Already on my Lady's face mine eyes Again were fastened, and with these my mind, And from all other purpose was withdrawn;…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXII

Paradiso: Canto XXIParadiso: Canto XXIIIParadiso: Canto XXII Oppressed with stupor, I unto my guide Turned like a little child who always runs For refuge there where he confideth most…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXIII

Paradiso: Canto XXIIParadiso: Canto XXIVParadiso: Canto XXIII Even as a bird, 'mid the beloved leaves, Quiet upon the nest of her sweet brood Throughout the night, that hideth all…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXIV

Paradiso: Canto XXIIIParadiso: Canto XXVParadiso: Canto XXIV "O company elect to the great supper Of the Lamb benedight, who feedeth you So that for ever full is your desire, If by…