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Brewer's: Pilate Voice

A loud ranting voice. In the old mysteries all tyrants were made to speak in a rough ranting manner. Thus Bottom the Weaver, after a rant “to show his quality,” exclaims, “That's 'Ercles'…

Brewer's: Poille

An Apulian horse. The horses of Apulia were very greatly valued at one time. Richard, Archbishop of Armagh in the fourteenth century, says of St. Thomas, “Neither the mule of Spain, the…

Brewer's: Parvis

(London). The “place” or court before the main entrance of a cathedral. In the parvis of St. Paul's lawyers used to meet for consultation, as brokers do in exchange. The word is now…

Brewer's: Tabulae Toletanae

The astronomical tables composed by order of Alphonso X. of Castile, in the middle of the thirteenth century, were so called because they were adapted to the city of Toledo. His Tables…

Brewer's: Shoe Pinches

No one knows where the shoe pinches like the wearer. This was said by a Roman sage who was blamed for divorcing his wife, with whom he seemed to live happily. For, God it wot, he sat ful…

Brewer's: Theodomas

A famous trumpeter at the siege of Thebes. At every court ther cam loud menstralcye That never trompëd Joab for to heere, Ne he Theodomas yit half so cleere At Thebës, when the citë was in…

Brewer's: Significavit

A writ of Chancery given by the ordinary to keep an excommunicate in prison till he submitted to the authority of the Church. The writ, which is now obsolete, used to begin with “…

Brewer's: Exaltation

In old astrology, a planet was said to be in its “exaltation” when it was in that sign of the zodiac in which it was supposed to exercise its strongest influence. Thus the exaltation of…

Brewer's: Falcon Peregrine

or Pelerin. La seconde ligme est faucons que hom apels “pelerins,” par ce que nus ne trouve son ni; ains est pris autresi come en pelerinage, et est mult legiers a norrir, et mult cortis,…

Brewer's: Gay Girl

A woman of light or extravagant habits. Lady Anne Berkeley, dissatisfied with the conduct of her daughter-in-law (Lady Catherine Howard), exclaimed, “By the blessed sacrament, this gay…