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Brewer's: Bootes

(Bo-o'-tees ), or the ox-driver, a constellation. According to ancient mythology, Boötes invented the plough, to which he yoked two oxen, and at death, being taken to heaven with his…

Brewer's: Boozy

Partly intoxicated. (Russian, busa, millet-beer; Latin, buza, from buo, to fill; Welsh, bozi; Old Dutch, buyzen, to tipple; Coptic, bouza, intoxicating drink.) “In Egypt there is a beer…

Notable Female Saints and Sinners

Mata Hari Biographies ofNotable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators and Scholars Fashion Designers and Models Literary…

Assassinations and Attempts in U.S. Since 1865

Lincoln, Abraham (president of U.S.): Shot April 14, 1865, in Washington, DC, by John Wilkes Booth; died April 15.Seward, William H. (secretary of state): Escaped assassination (though…

Ballots: Types and History

by David Johnson Italian Origins of "Ballot" The word "ballot" comes from the Italian, "ballotta" or "little colored ball." In the 13th century some Italian communes used ballottas for votes.…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Elderbush

The Leap-FrogThe BellThe Elderbush Once upon a time there was a little boy who had taken cold. He had gone out and got his feet wet; though nobody could imagine how it had happened, for it…

Election Ballots: Types and History

Paper, lever machines, butterfly, and more by David Johnson Types of Ballots Paper BallotsMechanical Lever MachinesPunch CardsMarksense (…

Leviticus: 23

Leviticus Chapter 23 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to…

Warren Sapp

Warren Sapp is the 300-pound former NFL lineman whose lightfooted appearance on Dancing With the Stars in 2008 made him an unlikely ballroom hero. Sapp played 13 seasons in the NFL -- nine with the…