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Fables & Fairy Tales

Fairy tales feature heavily in the history of illustration, e.g. this Rackham illustration from the Brothers Grimm.Fables and fairy tales are two of the most common types of folklore, both of which…

Brewer's: Canterbury Tales

Chaucer supposed that he was in company with a party of pilgrims going to Canterbury to pay their devotions at the shrine of Thomas à Becket. The party assembled at an inn in Southwark,…

Brewer's: Nursery Tales

Well-known ones: ARABIAN NIGHTS: Aladdin's Lamp, The Forty Thieves, Sinbad the Sailor, and hundreds more. CARROLL (Lewis): Alice in Wonderland, Hunting the Snark, etc. D'AULNOY (Mme…

Brewer's: Tale of a Tub

(The). A ridiculous narrative or tale of fiction. The reference is to Dean Swift's tale so called. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894TalentTale A B C D E…

Brewer's: Reeves Tale

Thomas Wright says that this tale occurs frequently in the jest and story-books of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Boccaccio has given it in the Decameron, evidently from a…

Brewer's: Winter's Tale

(Shakespeare). Taken from the Pleasant History of Dorastus and Fawnia by Robert Green. Dorastus is called by Shakespeare Florizel and Doricles, and…

Brewer's: Marchaundes Tale

(in Chaucer) is substantially the same as the first Latin metrical tale of Adolfus, and is not unlike a Latin prose tale given in the appendix of T. Wright's edition of Æsop's Fables. (…

Brewer's: Maunciples Tale

A mediæval version of Ovid's tale about Coronis (Met. ii. 543, etc.). Phêbus; had a crow which he taught to speak; it was downy white, and as big as a swan. He had also a wife whom he…

Brewer's: Pardouneres Tale

in Chaucer, is Death and the Rioters. Three rioters in a tavern agreed to hunt down Death and kill him. As they went their way they met an old man, who told them that he had just left him…