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Brewer's: Blow

(To). As the wind blows; or to blow with the breath. (Anglo-Saxon, blawan, to blow or breathe.) It will soon blow over. It will soon be no longer talked about; it will soon come to an end…


  Applicants often ignore transitions to their own detriment. A good essay must use transitions within paragraphs--and especially between paragraphs--to preserve the logical flow…

Django Reinhardt

Name at birth: Jean-Baptiste ReinhardtDjango Reinhardt grew up a talented musician in a Gypsy caravan, traveling around France. He began playing American jazz in French clubs, along with Stéphane…

Entertainment News from May 1999

1Oscar-nominated actor Greg Kinnear marries longtime girlfriend, model-writer Helen Labdon in Sussex, England.4Bryant Gumbel will be back in the morning anchor seat come fall. CBS announces…

Yoshiro Mori, 2000 News

Japanese politician, was elected prime minister by Parliament in April, succeeding Keizo Obuchi, who died in May after a debilitating stroke. A 30-year member of Parliament, Mori had most…

Johnny Hart

Johnny Hart began drawing the daily newspaper comic strip B.C. in 1958. The strip, which featured a caveman named B.C. and his prehistoric cohorts, was soon a hit, and remained popular as Hart…

Robert Tools, 2001 News

received the first self-contained artificial heart in July. The device, the AbioCor, was surgically implanted by doctors at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Ky. Tools was near death from end-…

Abdurraham Wahid, 2001 News

Indonesian president, was forced from power by Parliament in July because of incompetence and corruption. He was replaced by Vice President Megawati Sukarnoputri. Wahid's downfall was long…

Ehud Olmert, 2006 News

Israeli politician, was named Acting Prime Minister in January, after Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke. His party, Kadima, fared the best in March's parliamentary elections, and he…