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Displaying 371 - 380

America's Most Endangered Places 2007

Brooklyn's Industrial Waterfront among American sites most at risk by Mark Zurlo Greer Spring, Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 20, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 19, 1806June 21, 1806June 20, 1806 Friday June 20th 1806. Our hunters set out early this morning; most of them returned before noon. R.…

Crossing the Bitter Root Mountains

Chapter 22 Chapter 24 Crossing the Bitter Root Mountains Disasters many kept pace with the unhappy explorers on their way back to Quamash flats after their rebuff at the base of…

20th Century Limited

The 20th Century Limited debuted in 1902 as the New York Central's luxury train, operating between New York and Chicago. It traveled the smooth “water level route” alongside the Hudson River and the…