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Spark, Dame Muriel

(Encyclopedia) Spark, Dame Muriel, 1918–2006, Scottish novelist, b. Muriel Sarah Camberg. She lived in Edinburgh, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), London, New York, and Rome, and spent her last years in…

Gibbon, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Gibbon, Edward, 1737–94, English historian, author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. His childhood was sickly, and he had little formal education but read…

Italy Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Italy Index: People and History Government Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Italy Relations PEOPLE AND HISTORYItaly is largely…

Charles II, king of England, Scotland, and Ireland

(Encyclopedia) Charles II, 1630–85, king of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1660–85), eldest surviving son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. Charles was a ruler of considerable political skill. His…


(Encyclopedia) Howard, English noble family. Landowners in Norfolk from the 13th cent., the Howards obtained the duchy of Norfolk through the marriage of Sir Robert Howard to Margaret Mowbray,…

Rhine Province

(Encyclopedia) Rhine Province, Ger. Rheinprovinz, former province of Prussia, W Germany. The province was also known as Rhenish Prussia and as the Rhineland. The northern section of the former…

Penal Laws

(Encyclopedia) Penal Laws, in English and Irish history, term generally applied to the body of discriminatory and oppressive legislation directed chiefly against Roman Catholics but also against…

Monaco Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Monaco Index: Geography People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Monaco Relations GEOGRAPHYThe Principality of…