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Emerson, Ralph Waldo

(Encyclopedia) Emerson, Ralph WaldoEmerson, Ralph Waldoĕmˈərsən [key], 1803–82, American poet and essayist, b. Boston. Through his essays, poems, and lectures, the “Sage of Concord” established…

Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831–1917, American journalist, author, and philanthropist, b. Hampton Falls, N.H., grad. Harvard, 1855. An active abolitionist, he was a friend and agent…

French, Daniel Chester

(Encyclopedia) French, Daniel Chester, 1850–1931, American sculptor, b. Exeter, N.H., studied in Florence and in Boston with William Rimmer. After executing his first large work, The Minute Man (1875…

Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Ralph Waldo Emerson 1867, 1876, 1883, 1895, 1904 and 1911 Contents Preface Biographical Sketch Poems Good-Bye Each and All The Problem To Rhea The Visit Uriel The…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: V

VMask thy wisdom with delight, Toy with the bow, yet hit the white, As Jelaleddin old and gray; He seemed to bask, to dream and play Without remoter hope or fear Than still to entertain his…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: 1

1When the pine tosses its cones To the song of its waterfall tones, Who speeds to the woodland walks? To birds and trees who talks? Caesar of his leafy Rome, There the poet is at home. He…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: 2

2And such I knew, a forest seer, A minstrel of the natural year, Foreteller of the vernal ides, Wise harbinger of spheres and tides, A lover true, who knew by heart Each joy the mountain…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: 3

3In unploughed Maine he sought the lumberers' gang Where from a hundred lakes young rivers sprang; He trode the unplanted forest floor, whereon The all-seeing sun for ages hath not shone;…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: 4

4'T was one of the charmèd days When the genius of God doth flow; The wind may alter twenty ways, A tempest cannot blow; It may blow north, it still is warm; Or south, it still is clear; Or…