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Sara Teasdale: "Since There Is No Escape"

"Since There Is No Escape"Since there is no escape, since at the end My body will be utterly destroyed, This hand I love as I have loved a friend, This body I tended, wept with and enjoyed…

Sara Teasedale: Crowned

CrownedI wear a crown invisible and clear, And go my lifted royal way apart Since you have crowned me softly in your heart With love that is half ardent, half austere; And as a queen…

Johnny Cash

UnchainedAmerican Recordings The second installment of Cash's late-career renaissance on Rick Rubin's American Recordings label is a strong follow-up to the 1994 disc named after the label…

Maya Angelou

Name at birth: Marguerite JohnsonMaya Angelou's 1969 autobiography, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, was nominated for a National Book Award and made her a symbol of pride for Black Americans. In…


Latin name: Ulysses Odysseus is the great hero of The Odyssey, the classic tale by the ancient bard Homer. The Odyssey tells of Odysseus's 10-year struggle to return from the Trojan War to his home…

P.D. James

Name at birth: Phyllis Dorothy JamesOne of the most famous mystery novelists in the world, P.D. James was the author of several novels featuring the clever poet-detective, Chief Inspector Adam…

Chet Atkins Biography

Chet AtkinsmusicianBorn: 6/20/1924Birthplace: nr. Luttrell, Tenn. virtuosic guitar player and record producer who helped to make Nashville the epicenter of country music in the 1950s. Known as the “…

Colin Firth Biography

Colin Firth actorBorn: 9/10/1960Birthplace: Grayshott, Hampshire, England Well-regarded British actor who has starred in such movies as Valmont (1989) and Apartment Zero (1988). Firth became…