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Brewer's: Mithra

or Mithras. The highest of the twenty-eight second-class divinities of the ancient Persians, and the ruler of the universe. Sometimes used as a synonym for the sun. The word means friend,…

Brewer's: Four Letters

containing the name of God, and called by Rabbins “tetragrammaton.” Thus, in Hebrew, JHVH (JeHoVaH); in Greek, Theos ; in Latin, Deus; in French, Dieu; in Assyrian, Adat; Dutch, Godt;…

Brewer's: Immortals

A regiment of 10,000 choice foot-soldiers, which constituted the body-guard of the Persian kings. There was also an army so named at Constantinople, according to Ducange, first embodied by…

Brewer's: Dives

(l syl.), Divs or Deevs. Demons of Persian mythology. According to the Koran, they are ferocious and gigantic spirits under the sovereignty of Eblis. “At Lahore, in the Mogul's palace, are…

Brewer's: Dualism

A system of philosophy which refers all things that exist to two ultimate principles. It is eminently a Persian doctrine. The Orphic poets made the ultimate principles of all things to be…

Brewer's: Eating Together

To eat together in the East was at one time a sure pledge of protection. A Persian nobleman was once sitting in his garden, when a man prostrated himself before him, and implored…

Brewer's: Eclipses

were considered by the ancient Greeks and Romans as bad omens. Nicías, the Athenian general, was so terrified by an eclipse of the moon, that he durst not defend himself from the…

Brewer's: Keber'

A Persian seet (generally rich merchants), distinguished by their beards and dress. When one of them dies, a cock is driven out of the poultry yard; if a fox seizes it, it is a proof that…

Brewer's: Kebla

The point of adoration; i.e. the quarter or point of the compass towards which persons turn when they worship. The Persian fire-worshippers turn to the east, the place of the rising sun;…

Brewer's: Kohol

or Kohl. Russell says, “The Persian women blacken the inside of their eyelids with a powder made of black Kohol.” And others mix the Kohol's jetty dye To give that long, dark languish to…