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The Hungry Stones: The Hungry Stones

by Rabindranath Tagore PrefaceThe VictoryThe Hungry Stones My kinsman and myself were returning to Calcutta from our Puja trip when we met the man in a train. From his dress and bearing…

Byzantine Empire

(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Byzantine Empire (c.1000) Byzantine Empire, successor state to the Roman Empire (see under Rome), also called Eastern Empire and East Roman Empire. It was named after…

Brewer's: Darius

A classic way of spelling Darawesh (king), a Persian title of royalty. Gushtasp or Kishtasp assumed the title of darawesh on ascending the throne, and is the person generally called Darius…

Brewer's: Paradise

The Greeks used this word to denote the extensive parks and pleasure-grounds of the Persian kings. “An old word, `paradise,' which the Hebrews had borrowed from the Persians, and which at…

Kurdish History Timeline

by Borgna Brunner Related Links Turkey | Map KurdistanIraq Primer The Kurds have lived in a mountainous, roughly 74,000-square-mile region known as Kurdistan for the past two millennia…


(Encyclopedia) cat, name applied broadly to the carnivorous mammals constituting the family Felidae, and specifically to the domestic cat, Felis catus. The great roaring cats, the lion, tiger, and…

Walt Whitman: Good-Bye My Fancy

Good-Bye My FancySail out for Good, Eidolon Yacht!Lingering Last DropsGood-Bye My FancyOn, on the Same, Ye Jocund Twain!MY 71st YearApparitionsThe Pallid WreathAn Ended DayOld Age's Ship…

Tajikistan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Tajikistan Index: Geography People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Tajik Relations GEOGRAPHYAt 36'40'…

V-E Day

May 8 marks the day of victory for Allies in World War II The London Daily Mirror, May, 8, 1945 On Mar. 7, 1945, the Western Allies—whose chief commanders in the field were Omar N. Bradley…

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: Notes

  Notes [The references are, except in the first note only, to the stanzas of the Fifth edition.] (Stanza I.) Flinging a Stone into the Cup was the signal for "To Horse!" in the Desert. (II.)…