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The 12 Labors of Hercules (In Order)

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesMost people are familiar with the heroic figure of ancient folklore, Hercules. Whether you have studied Greek epics or recently rewatched Disney’s interpretation of…

Ancient Chocoholics

—Holly Hartman In July 2002, an international team led by French paleontologist Michel Brunet announced the discovery of a humanlike skull that may be up to seven million years old, twice as old…

May 2003

WorldBush Says Combat Over in Iraq (May 1): In a speech from the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, president announces U.S. victorious in war in Iraq. Blair Postpones Northern Ireland…

Frequently Asked Questions About Suicide

Important Information About Suicide From Who is at risk of committing suicide? People of all genders, ages and ethnicities can be at risk. According to the National Institute…

The Book of Ecclesiastes: Summary

Top of Page The Book of Ecclesiastes is one of the most intriguing Bible books of the Old Testament. Written by the son of David, King Solomon, it is a part of the Hebrew Wisdom Literature that…

On the Road Again—2000

Archival Material Jump on the festival bandwagon this summer by Beth Rowen Chicago Blues Festival | Glastonbury Festival | JVC Jazz Festival | Monterey Jazz Festival | Newport Folk Festival |…

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 13

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 12Chapter 14Chapter 13 He passed out of the room and began the ascent, Basil Hallward following close behind. They walked softly, as men do instinctively at night…

America's 25 Worst Highway Bottlenecks, 2012

Each year, the Daily Beast compiles a list of the country's worst bottlenecks using data supplied by INRIX, a traffic tracking and analyzing company. Their Traffic Index collects data from 100…