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Displaying 401 - 410

Brewer's: Spear of Ithuriel

(The), the slightest touch of which exposed deceit. Thus when Ithuriel touched with his spear Satan squatting like a toad close to the ear of Eve, the “toad” instantly resumed the form of…

Brewer's: Trine

In astrology, a planet distant from another one-third of the circle is said to be in trine; one-fourth, it is in square; one-sixth or two signs, it is in sextile; but when one-half distant…

Brewer's: Uriel

“Regent of the Sun,” and “sharpest-sighted spirit of all in heaven.” (Milton: Paradise Lost, iii. 690.) Longfellow, in the Golden Legend, makes Raphael the angel of the Sun, and Uriel the…

Brewer's: Real Jam

Prime stuff, a real treat, something delightful. Of course, the allusion is to jam given to children for a treat. “There must have been a charming climate in Paradise, and [the] connubial…

Brewer's: Scipio dismissed the Iberian Maid

(Paradise Regained, ii.). Referring to the tale that the conqueror of Spain not only refused to see a beautiful princess who had fallen into his power after the capture of New Carthage,…

Brewer's: Seasons

(The). In art. The four seasons have often been sculptured or painted by artists: POUSSIN drew his symbolic characters from the Old Testament. Thus, Adam and Eve in Paradise represent…

Brewer's: Lucifer

The morning star. Venus is both an evening and a morning star: When she follows the sun, and is an evening star, she is called Hesperus; when she precedes the sun, and appears before…

Brewer's: Phineus

(2 syl.). A blind king of Thrace, who had the gift of prophecy. Whenever he wanted to eat, the Harpies came and took away or defiled his food. Blind Thamyris, and blind Moeonides, And…

Brewer's: Prime

(l syl.). In the Catholic Church the first canonical hour after lauds. Milton terms sunrise “that sweet hour of prime.” (Paradise Lost, bk. v. 170.) “All night long ... came the sound of…

Brewer's: Sin

according to Milton, is twinkeeper with Death of the gates of Hell. She sprang full-grown from the head of Satan. ... Woman to the waist, and fair, But ending foul in many a scaly fold…