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Displaying 231 - 240

Brewer's: Busiris

A king of Egypt, who used to immolate to the gods all strangers who set foot on his shores. Hercules was seized by him; and would have fallen a victim, but he broke his chain, and slew the…

Brewer's: Caduceus

(4 syl.). A white wand carried by Roman officers when they went to treat for peace. The Egyptians adorned the rod with a male and female serpent twisted about it, and kissing each other.…

Brewer's: Cronian Sea

The north polar sea. Pliny says, “A Thule unius diei navigatione mare concretum, a nonnullis cronium appellatur. ” (Natural History, iv. 16.) As when two polar winds blowing adverse Upon…

Brewer's: Crystalline

(3 syl.). The Crystalline sphere. According to Ptolemy, between the “primum mobile” and the firmament or sphere of the fixed stars comes the crystalline sphere, which oscillates or has a…

Brewer's: Dagon

(Hebrew, dag On, the fish On). The idol of the Philistines; half woman and half fish. (See Atergata.) Dagon his name; sea-monster, upward man And downward fish; yet had his temple high…

Brewer's: Cleombrotos

(4 syl.). A philosopher who so admired Plato's Phaedon that he jumped into the sea in order to exchange this life for a better. He was called Ambraciota (of Ambracia), from the place of…

Brewer's: Cocytus

[Ko-kytus ]. One of the five rivers of hell. The word means the “river of lamentation.” The unburied were doomed to wander about its banks for 100 years. (Greek, koku'o, to weep.) Cocytus…

Brewer's: Necessity

Make a virtue of necessity. (Shakespeare: Two Gentlemen of Verona, iv. 1.) “Quintilian has laudem virtutis necessitati damus: St. Jerome (epistle 54 section 6), Fac de necessitate virtutem…

Brewer's: Spear of Ithuriel

(The), the slightest touch of which exposed deceit. Thus when Ithuriel touched with his spear Satan squatting like a toad close to the ear of Eve, the “toad” instantly resumed the form of…

Brewer's: Trine

In astrology, a planet distant from another one-third of the circle is said to be in trine; one-fourth, it is in square; one-sixth or two signs, it is in sextile; but when one-half distant…