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Displaying 171 - 180

December 2002

WorldOpposition Movement Declares Strike in Venezuela (Dec. 2): Foes of President Hugo Chávez launch nationwide strike against government and call for a referendum on the president.Sharon…

March 2004

WorldPutin Appoints Prime Minister (March 1): Russian president names Mikhail Fradkov as premier. (March 14): Putin overwhelmingly reelected to a second term. Suicide Bombers Hit Iraqi…

February 2005

WorldNepalese King Fires Government (Feb. 1): King Gyanendra also declares a state of emergency. Many of the country's politicians are placed under house arrest, phone and Internet lines are…

February 2000 News and Events

WorldAlbright Meets New Russian Leader (Feb. 2): Secretary of State praises Vladimir V. Putin as “well-informed” and eager for a “normal position with the West.” War in Chechnya remains a…

2003 World History

George W. Bush(1946– )Saddam Hussein(1937– )INA/Reuters/Archive PhotosDonald H. Rumsfeld(1932– )Paul Martin(1938– )2003North Korea withdraws from treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear…

2007 Year in Review

Top events for the nation and the world News Analysis News of the Nation Iraq Edges Toward Stability • Destruction of CIA Interrogation Tapes • Dismissal of Federal Prosecutors •…

Our Top Stories for the Week of August 26, 2022

It’s been a busy week, from technology changes to humanitarian concerns. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories of the week.   Changes &…

What Is There to Do in North Korea?

What to do in the Hermit Kingdom? North Korea, also known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (or DPRK), may not be on the top of many travel wish lists. Stories of foreigners imprisoned on…