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What Do You Know About Uranus?

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and one of the most interesting yet mysterious planets in the Solar System. Test your knowledge of Uranus' cosmic facts with Infoplease!

What Do You Know About Reindeer?

One of them might boast a red nose, but what facts can you identify about the real reindeer that live in the northern stretches of the Earth?  

What Do You Know About Jupiter?

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is known as the Gas Giant. What else do you know about this fascinating, stormy, and colorful planet?

The Truth About Molly and Other Party Drugs

2013 saw a rise in MDMA drug-related deaths. by Jennie Wood Ecstasy Pills Related Links A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking Consequences Drug Use by Americans, 12…

In the Willow

In the WillowThe old tree saw and heard a good many little scenes and confidences that summer, because it became the favorite retreat of all the children, and the willow seemed to enjoy it,…

Iron Hans

Iron Hans There was once upon a time a king who had a great forest near his palace, full of all kinds of wild animals. One day he sent out a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come…