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Displaying 401 - 410

John Young

John Young was the first astronaut to fly into space six times, the ninth man to walk on the moon, and the pilot of the first American space shuttle mission. NASA called him "in every way the…

A Morass of Movable Feasts

A quick guide to the dates of Passover and Easter Related Links Easter Features Tale of Two Easters Passover Kosher for Passover The Jewish Calendar The Christian…

Pluto, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) Pluto, in astronomy, a dwarf planet and the first Kuiper belt, or transneptunian, object (see comet) to be discovered (1930) by astronomers. Pluto has an elliptical orbit usually lying…

ring, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) ring, in astronomy, relatively thin band of rocks and dust and ice particles that orbit around a planet in the planet's equatorial plane. All four of the giant planets in the solar…

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong made history on July 20, 1969, when he became the first human being to set foot on the moon. Neil Armstrong was a veteran aviator: he had flown 78 combat missions over Korea as a Navy…

The Smaller Satellites

ProteusLarissaDespinaGalateaThalassaNaiadNew Neptunian MoonsNeptune's Rings In addition to the previously known moons, Triton and Nereid, Voyager 2 found 6 satellites in 1989. In 2003,…