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Brewer's: Sterling Money

Spelmab derives the word from esterlings, merchants of the Hanse Towns, who came over and reformed our coin in the reign of John. Others say it is starling (little star), in allusion to a…

Brewer's: Table Money

Money appropriated to the purposes of hospitality. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Table-TurningTable d'Hote A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P…

Brewer's: Pin Money

A lady's allowance of money for her own personal expenditure. Long after the invention of pins, in the fourteenth century, the maker was allowed to sell them in open shop only on January…

Brewer's: Press-money

and Press-men do not mean money given to impress men into the service and men so impressed; but ready money, and men ready for service. When a recruit has received the money, he binds…

Brewer's: Smart Money

Money paid by a person to obtain exemption from some disagreeable office or duty; in law it means a heavy fine; and in recompense it means money given to soldiers or sailors for injuries…

Brewer's: Wroth Money

or Wroth Silver. Money paid to the lord in lieu of castle guard for military service; a tribute paid for killing accidentally some person of note; a…

Brewer's: Black Money

Base coin brought to England by foreigners, and prohibited by Edward III. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Black OxBlack Monday A B C D E F G H I J…

Brewer's: Blood Money

Money paid to a person for giving such evidence as shall lead to the conviction of another; money paid to the next of kin to induce him to forego his “right” of seeking blood for blood;…

Brewer's: Pattens-Money

(Chapins de la Reina). A subsidy levied in Spain on all crown tenants at the time of a royal marriage. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894PatterPatten A B C…

Brewer's: Mise-money

An honorarium given by the people of Wales to a new “Prince of Wales” on his entrance upon his principality. At Chester a mise-book is kept, in which every town and village is rated to…