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Displaying 181 - 190

Robert Browning

Known for his dramatic monologues, England's Robert Browning is considered one of the most influential and important poets of the 19th century. Browning began publishing poems in the 1830s,…

Robert Boyle

Robert Boyle was a 17th century intellectual whose emphasis on experimentation and quantification helped lay the foundation for modern chemistry. He is known for Boyle's law, which states that the…

Robert Evans

Name at birth: Robert ShaperaIn the 1970s Bob Evans was the movie producer responsible for some of the biggest box office successes of the era, including Rosemary's Baby (1968, directed by Roman…

Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp was a co-founder and guitarist of the band King Crimson, whose 1969 debut album In the Court of the Crimson King is a classic of the progressive-rock genre. Fripp studied guitar from…

Robert Langdon

Robert Langdon is the popular literary creation of novelist Dan Brown. The star of the books Angels and Demons (2000), The Da Vinci Code (2004) and The Lost Symbol (2009), Langdon is a dashing…

Robert Moog

Robert Moog was a pioneer in electronic music, the inventor of synthesizers that changed the course of popular music. While a graduate student in engineering in New York, Robert Moog wrote a magazine…

Robert Mitchum

Hollywood tough guy Robert Mitchum made a career of playing insouciant fatalists and unscrupulous rogues, especially in noir films of the 1950s. He was in the movies for more than five decades,…

Robert Maxwell

Name at Birth: Jan Ludvick HochRobert Maxwell was a British publishing baron of the 1980s and for a short time one of the world's most prominent media moguls. Born to poor Jewish parents in the…

Robert Novak

Newspaper columnist Robert Novak was an outspoken political commentator best known for co-hosting the rancorous political talk show Crossfire on CNN from 1980 to 2005. Novak began writing for local…

Robert Mugabe

Name at birth: Robert Gabriel MugabeRobert Mugabe became the first prime minister of independent Zimbabwe in 1980 and ruled ruled the country with increasingly dictatorial powers for 37 years. Robert…