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Displaying 231 - 240

The Song of Hiawatha: Hiawatha's Friends

Hiawatha's Fasting Hiawatha's Sailing Hiawatha's Friends Two good friends had Hiawatha, Singled out from all the others, Bound to him in closest union, And to whom he gave the…

Chauncey Judd: Longmeadow Brook

Gunn's Barn Pursuit from Bethany Longmeadow Brook The breakfast in the barn was dispatched speedily and in silence; and then Graham, drawing his pipe from his pocket, and lighting it…

Chauncey Judd: Seizure of Henry Wooster

Wooster's Barn Negro Patriotism Seizure of Henry Wooster When the teamsmen had reached a safe distance from the barn, Graham sprang from his biding-place, and began to swear at the…


John Mertus1993I've been following with interest the thread on using worms to eat the garbage. Since there seems to be interest in earthworms, I am re-posting a combination of three posts…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto XXVII

Purgatorio: Canto XXVIPurgatorio: Canto XXVIIIPurgatorio: Canto XXVII As when he vibrates forth his earliest rays, In regions where his Maker shed his blood, (The Ebro falling under…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto IV

Inferno: Canto III Inferno: Canto VInferno: Canto IV Broke the deep lethargy within my head A heavy thunder, so that I upstarted, Like to a person who by force is wakened; And round…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXIII

Paradiso: Canto XXIIParadiso: Canto XXIVParadiso: Canto XXIII Even as a bird, 'mid the beloved leaves, Quiet upon the nest of her sweet brood Throughout the night, that hideth all…

The Salad

The Salad As a merry young huntsman was once going briskly along through a wood, there came up a little old woman, and said to him, 'Good day, good day; you seem merry enough, but I am hungry…